Basic Idea About Zig_iD-2
The idea of the Zig_eye-d2 came to us from the tremendous need of wireless robots with CAMERA in various fields where the interference of humans is either dangerous to them or to the environment. In this project mainly we are making a wireless robot consisting a camera with low resolution and several other sensors like distance measurement sensors (either ultrasonic or infrared) , obstacle detectors, accelerometers, sound recorders, temperature sensors. All this assembly is carried by a structure having traction belts or six individually driven wheels which can avoid almost any kind of obstacles. The main part is to control the robot and to capture the video from the robot at any safe and remote place and controlling of the motion of the robot as well as the camera from that place using any general PC having serial or USB port. To achieve this we are using the 2.4-GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver which can be operated from 10 Kbps to 250 Kbps which might satisfy our need for wireless video transmitting and receiving .Now this whole complex system is controlled by the 8 bit microcontroller ATmegaXX .On the transmitter side means on the robot the ATmega is receiving the data in either serial or parallel form from the CCD camera sensor and it processes the data and sends it to the 2.4-GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver. It is connected to the 2.4-GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver with either serial peripheral Interface (SPI) or Universal A/synchronous receiver transmitter (UART). And on the receiver side we are using the 2.4-GHz radio-frequency (RF) transceiver which is connected to the computer via serial or USB through the ATmega microcontroller. We are also providing the feature of controlling the robot using the same pc by a special self designed software using visual basic without any need of any extra hardware and the important data like distance of various objects , tilt & position of the robot, temperature and the sound of the environment which is readily available on the same computer display.
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